by Greg Flynn | Feb 15, 2023 | News
Congratulations to the Pearl Public Library for being named the Branch of the Year (Large Division) by the Central Mississippi Regional Library System. A wonderful staff led by Morgan Hedglin with great programs and resources. Go check them out!
by Greg Flynn | Feb 15, 2023 | News
Strong to severe storms are expected for Pearl Wednesday night into Thursday. Please make sure you can get alerts overnight or in the early morning hours. A NOAA weather radio and phone alerts are a great way to get warnings. As always we say “Be prepared, not...
by Greg Flynn | Feb 14, 2023 | News
Strong winds are expected today (Tuesday 2.14.23) with rain popping up this afternoon. No severe storms are forecast for today, but they are in the forecast for Wednesday evening into Thursday. We will keep you updated.
by Greg Flynn | Feb 8, 2023 | News
Here’s an updated look at the timing for the potential of severe storms late this afternoon into the evening. Be prepared and stay weather aware. We’ll keep you updated.
by Greg Flynn | Feb 6, 2023 | News
C-Spire has contractors installing fiber-optic lines in the Cunningham Heights area this week. Please use caution in work areas.