Streetlight Audit/Assessment Underway in Pearl

Pearl, Miss- Don’t be alarmed if you see workers in your neighborhood checking out streetlights. The City is in the process of converting old technology to new energy efficient LED streetlights to save money and improve lighting. You may see workers from Evari GIS...
Pearl Christmas Parade Information

Pearl Christmas Parade Information

Pearl Christmas Parade “Twas the Light Before Christmas” Saturday, Dec. 3, 6 pm -Tree Lighting 6:30 pm-Parade begins 7 pm. Community Party in the Community Center All events are in the City Hall Complex (Midtown Pearl) on Old Brandon Rd. To enter a...

Water Repairs 10.1.22

Water Repairs Update 10.1.22: Contractors were doing work at Eldorado Rd. at the East Metro Parkway. If you lost pressure this morning, there is a precautionary boil water notice in effect when service is restored. Pearl Drive and the Bright Shopping Center area had a...
Burn Permits on Hold in the City

Burn Permits on Hold in the City

The Pearl Fire Department will not issue any burn permits until further notice. The dry weather, low humidity and windy conditions have led to a very dangerous wildfire threat. We thank you for your cooperation.

Boil Water Notice Updates 9.26.22

Boil Water Notice Updates: Pearl Drive/Bright Center area notice has been lifted. Hwy 468 (Deeb St., St. Augustine, Silver Ridge Area) notice is still in effect and Public Works estimates it should be lifted by Wednesday, once the Health Dept. gives the all clear for...