Music at the Muse on Fri. Sept. 16.

Music at the Muse on Fri. Sept. 16.

Just one week to go before “Music at the Muse” on Friday, Sept. 16.! Get your tickets to see “The Frontmen” and Mustache the Band. This will be the first concert in a new series developed by The City of Pearl and Hinds Community College at the Clyde Muse...
Cruisin’ Pearl on Sat. Sept. 17.

Cruisin’ Pearl on Sat. Sept. 17.

Mark your calendar: Cruisin’ Pearl is back next Saturday, Sept. 17! Old Brandon Rd. in front of City Hall will be a showcase for classic and modern rides. Bring you car to show off or just come and get a look at Cruisin’ Pearl.
Missing Teen Found

Missing Teen Found

***UPDATE 9.13.22: Mr. Henry was found safe and sound Monday evening in Hinds County. His family and Pearl Police thank you for your help.*** Pearl Police need your help to find a missing teen. His family is very concerned and thinks he may be trying to get to...

S. Pearson/Hwy 468 Water

Pearl Public Works is currently flushing water lines on South Pearson Rd. down and along Hwy 468 after contractors worked on the lines earlier today. You could experience air in the lines for the next few hours. 9.6.22 at 8:30p.
Water Drive for Jacksonians in Crisis

Water Drive for Jacksonians in Crisis

The City of Pearl, in partnership with Main Street Pearl and the Pearl Chamber of Commerce, is holding a bottled water drive for Jackson residents in their ongoing water crisis. The water system failure in the Capital City has left residents with no water. We have two...